Well, another Christmas has come and gone. My son has opened all his toys, played with them, and is quickly deciding he has nothing to do. Okay, maybe not. I went a bit crazy on presents this year for him. But, what can I say... he's at such a fun age to shop for. His 2nd birthday is in 2 days. I'm dreading it. I never gave him permission to grow up... In fact, I have grounded him multiple times for doing just that.
My parents are still in town. It's been crazy and exhausting. I haven't had a nice day at home to just relax since the middle of December. They are staying through my son's birthday, which is awesome! I hate living across the country from our entire family. Seriously, everyone we care about it on the East Coast. I miss them all, and I'm so jealous of their warm Christmas. It snowed here, and we were driving to the mountains. I have such bad anxiety as it is, but in the snow, I'm a complete mess. Luckily my son was napping in the car, because I used some poor choice words more than once on the drive. It was beautiful though, I cannot get over the view out here.

Anyways, on to books. I must have been VERY good this year. Santa brought me some great reads! Quite a few I've read before, but I asked my husband for hard copies. I typically read on my nook. It is easier with L running around all day. But, favorites I always, ALWAYS hard copies of. I usually try to get copies that are hard back too. Here is a picture of all of my Christmas goodies.
Please ignore the fact that I took pictures on my kitchen floor. It was the best solid color surface I could find. Don't look too closely at it. It probably has apple juice spills and chocolate smudges everywhere. I got a fancy steam mop from my mom, but I haven't tried it out yet. I can't wait to though. And yes, that is BB-8 in the back. L is obsessed with him. He saw the little plushie at the Disney Store and HAD to have it... now it sits forgotten on the floor of my kitchen.
Anyways, Look at that loot!! I've read the entire Throne of Glass series, and Court of Thorns and Roses, but my husband got me hardbacks of them! I'm so so so so so so excited about them. Oh and Court of Thorns and Roses is SIGNED!!! It's got a big, beautiful signature inside. Maas was here in September, and I missed it. But, my husband was able to find one of the extra books that she signed! I'm so ridiculously excited. The rest of them I haven't read yet, so I can't wait to dive into them. I'm thinking first I might read Illuminae. I've heard amazing things about it. Or maybe I'll reread the Mara Dyer series and finally read the end(it's paperback because my other 2 are paperback and I'm weird and need uniformity). I'm not sure... I'm just enjoying having them to stare at right now.
So what books did Santa bring you for Christmas? Or, what bok do you think I should start with?
I hope everyone else had just a wonderful a holiday as I did! I can't wait to blog more than I did this year in 2016!