Love is in the air

Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's that time of year again. Love is everywhere. Whether it is cards being passed out by excited elementary schoolers, red roses sent to a long time crush in high school, or even those celebrating (or mourning) in being single. February is all about love.

A lot of people hate Valentine's Day. They feel like it is a hallmark holiday created to bring money into stores. I take it as more of a day that I can reflect on and celebrate everyone I love in my life. My wonderful husband. My darling son. My parents and in laws. My best friends. I love them all, and try to make sure they are never left wondering if I truly care or not.

But, this year is especially exciting for me. I've been married for awhile now, the excitement has sadly died down. But, I have 2 best friends whom I love more than anything, and they both have found the love of their lives!! My best friend since high school, has actually been dating her fiance since we were sophomores in high school. I feel so lucky that I've been able to witness their entire relationship. I still remember her gushing to me about her crush on him and us dissecting whether or not he might like her back. She's getting married in November and I am so excited to be able to see them finally tie the knot. Cause, let's face it. It has been a long long long time!

My other best friend, is actually a couple friend. My husband and I met them in college and all four of us are very close. They just got engaged today!!!! Oh, I'm so excited. Aside from my own relationship, they might be my favoite actual couple. They aren't perfect... but they are perfectly suited for each other. I'm so so so so so so so so so happy for them! I actually just got off the phone with her where we cried for about an hour because we are so excited... and we're dorks... but that is beside the point.

I hate living so far away from my friends, but I decided to do a little post in honor of them both. So, today I'm going to feature my 5 favorite literary couples. I love a good love story. I'm probably first, a fan of romance in books. Some people get annoyed by the romance in a story.. I devour it. So here are 5 of my favorites. Some may not actually exsist... but I don't care. It's my favorites, and in my head they are together! I do want to warn though that there are spoilers for Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas! I put that couple last on the list, so that you can read the others if you haven't read it yet. But, be warned the spoiler is there!!

15717943Hopeless - I love this book. It is my favorite CoHo book. It was the first I read by her, and I love it. I also love love love Sky and Dean. They have been meant for each other their whole lives! Seriously. They were in love as little guys, and though fate ripped them apart... they find each other again! Goodness, they are seriously the cutest. Okay, I like all of CoHo's couples, but they are by far my favorite. If you haven't read this one yet, I don't know why. You need to... like now, or yesterday whichever.

41865Twilight - I'm not going ot feature our main couple in this book. Because, honestly I don't particularly care for them. In fact, I have some big issues with them. I much would have preffered Bella with Jacob... but I digress. The couple I absolutely adore from this series is Alice and Jasper. Guys, they were the best couple and characters in the book. They love eachother unconditionally, they are perfect equals in their relationship. They don't hold ANYTHING against each other, and they trust eachother completely. I wish Meyer would write a book just about them because they are the best... way better than Bella and Edward.

1Harry Potter  - So, I love this series, obviously. And, I love every couple JK Rowling wrote. But, I have a noncannon couple that I adore and wish every day had ended up together. That is Harry and Draco. Guys, I don't know why... but I feel like they were the perfect complement to each other. Their personalitys. Harry is light where Draco is dark. Their looks... Harry is dark where Draco is light... and you have to admit... they had chemistry in the books. Even if it isn't the chemistry of love, they have chemistry by the bucketfull. I have wished they ended up together since I was in high school... I may have written Drarry fanfiction once upon a time. But, I just love these two... even if they aren't an actual couple.

Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick, #6)Rock Chick Reckoning - So, I love Kristen Ashley and all of her couples. But, Stella and Mace from this book stole my heart. They are getting that once in a lifetime second chance... and it's heartbreaking and scary and so so so exciting all at one time. Ashley promised us a spinoff with this couple makin new friends and I want it so bad. Please Kristen Ashley!! I've been waiting forever! Oh, and did I mention Stella is a singer. A wonderful singer. This book reminded me of how much I love the song Black by Pearl Jam!

Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4)Throne of Glass - I will warn one more time if you haven't read this yet SPOILERS AHEAD. Now here I go. I really loved Celaena and Dorian in the first book, but I was rooting for Chaol and Celaena... so obviously I was ecstatic when the 2nd book rolled around. Then we met Rowan... and it was a shot to my heart. I devoured their friendship in the third book and wanted more. So, yes I was celebrating and freaking out when they FINALLY got together in the most recent book. It's not Celaena and Rowan, but Aelin and Rowan. Oh my goodness I love love love them. They have complete loyalty to each other. They can't stand to be seperated. and I want them to just be together forever and have a million and 20 beautiful faeried babies together. Is that too much to ask?! But, I've seen how Maas loves to break our couples up and give them pain... so Maas if you are reading his, don't do it! I will cry and might end up burning a book. Please let them stay together. They're just so perfect!!

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