I thought I'd start a new little thing on my blog since I talk so much about my son. I read to my son a LOT! He has 2 bookshelfs stuffed full in his room, and boxes of other books piled high in his closet. So Every week I'm going ot do a short little feature on kids books. This week I want to feautre one of our absolute favorite authors. Sandra Boynton

You might have read Sandra Boynton books when you were a child. Or maybe, you've seen them when out shopping. Boynton's books have been around for a long time. I think she began getting them published in the late 70s. But, these books have aged beautifully. They are bright, have adorable illustrations, and every book is a sing songy, rhyming book. I can recite most of them by heart, because my son adores them so much. There are a TON of these books as well. I just featured a few of our favorites, but she has written well over 50 books. All are adorable. If we see one that we don't have yet we get it, and have yet to stumble upon a miss book.
These books are GREAT for little guys. My son just turned 2 last week. But, we've been reading these since he was an infant. I was that mom that would read board books to my 1 week old, and I'm proud of it. L loves to look at books and is bringing me books all day long. They are his favorite thing. Or, they are equal with his Thomas trains. I can't say that one beats the other. Anyways, he probably won't enjoy them as much in a couple of years. He'll outgrow them. by 4ish I'd guess. For now though, they are a family favorite.
These are a great babyshower gift if anyone has one, or if you are building a nursery for yourself. I'd definitely recommend looking for some of these. I don't get sick of them. This is a huge bonus in the land of board books. When your child latches on and wants to read a book 50 times in a row. Every kid does it, so it is nice when it is an easy singy song book.
My Week as a mom
I thought I'd also do a short bit on my family. You know, cause I love to talk about him. It's a problem.
L had his 2 year checkup on Wednesday. He was all up to doate on shots, so nothing needed there. Lucky kid! Anyways, my kid is tall! Like ridiculously tall. he's 36.5 inches. tall. That means he is in 95% or taller than 95% of other kids his age. Guys, this doesn't make sense. I stand tall at 4'11" on a good day. Some days it is closer to 4'10" I'm tiny. My husband is 5'11". In other words, we are not tall people. L's pediatrician made a guesstimate that he will be 6'4" What the heck!?!
He weighs 26 lbs. So, I guess he will be tall and skinny. Not sure who's chold this is, but it isn't mine. I'm super excited about his verbal development. He's talking better than most 2 year olds! Reading pays off! He's actually either ahead or right on with all of his physical, emotional, and social skills! I'm so proud of my little guy. He was behind most of his first year, so he has made leaps and bounds over the last year!
Feel free to let me know what you'd like featured on Family Fridays. I'm still trying to figure out what this feature will be like, so I'd love to hear back! Thanks!
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